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What is Typography?

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and visually appealing when displayed. It is a crucial element of design that significantly impacts how information is perceived and understood. Typography is how text looks after the font and colors are set. It accounts for both the color of the font as well as the color of the background.

Why Use Typography

The purpose of typography goes beyond the mere display of text; it involves the deliberate selection of font styles, sizes, spacing, and colors to create a hierarchy and draw attention to specific pieces of content. Good typography guides the reader through the content, affecting the ease of reading and the overall aesthetic of the text.

The Importance of Typography in Data Dashboards

In data dashboards, typography plays a vital role in presenting complex information in an accessible way. It ensures that data is not only readable but also engaging. Effective typography in dashboards uses formatting and color contrasts to distinguish different elements like headers (H2s), subtexts, and data points, enabling users to quickly scan for information and understand key insights. Proper use of typography can significantly enhance the dashboard’s functionality by facilitating better data comprehension and decision-making.

Typography for BI Dashboards

When designing typography for a BI dashboard, it’s important to choose text and background colors that complement one another. Color adds another dimension to your text, whether for good or bad (i.e., you wouldn’t want to have dark text on a dark background).